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SEO Services blog

Blogspot website Seo - Blogspot is helping to create web 2.0 sites easily from the blogspot platform, similar tumber, Blogspot google his own big offer, and you do not think so that it supports 100% SEO always offline. All still have to depend on us. Therefore Library IT service providers familiar to Cheap seo blogspot, Google prestige on top.

Blogspot and other sites also need to optimize and implement offpage onpage, seo blogspot specific process is as follows:
Analysis activities

Knowing is the field of activity, which can focus on target Seo.

Determine the goal

Learn trends for customer, the target audience, search behavior
Analysis and evaluation related keywords (keyword research)

Perform onpage for blogspot

Edit meta tags, header tags robot
Edit the article title
Friendly URL correction
Creating breadcrumb for blogspot
Creating xml sitemap, robots.txt
Optimize, creating the image properties
Creating relevant posts, increasing the internal links to websites
Insert the analytics code, author ...
Custom 404 page

Above are some basic steps for seo blogspot, according to Library IT, investing it for the trot, you should create your own website, the use of Web 2.0 should do seo offpage system.


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